COERR Mae Sarieng organized the CPRS Workshop in two camps to convince the camp based staff of their work towards children in need, to ensure more understanding in child protection especially referral system. Social work skills plus dedication in working with each child case including ability to coordination with other concerned organizations and groups that child would be referred to were essential. The workshop was held on December 6, 2017 in Ban Mae La Oon camp where 44 participants of 23 female and 21 male attended and on December 7, in Ban Mae Lama Luang camp for 45 participants of 24 female and 21 male.
The contents of the workshops include child protection referral system (CPRS) review and brainstorming about child protection issues in camps. Experience sharing in understanding and coping with the behavior of children and help they might need. Discussion about problems and causes and finding solution together is made.Realizing their roles in child protection and the roles of other parties concerned to enable fast and efficient coordination in child protection referral system work was also focused.

Workshop was organized in Ban Mae La Oon camp on December 6, 2017 for 44 participants

The workshop held on December 7, at Ban Mae Lama Luang had 45 participants